Generally if you’re developing along the coast in California you need a Coast Development Permit (CDP). These permits tend to be more complicated than other types of development permits.
We specialize in obtaining Coast Development Permits for various types projects in Malibu, Santa Monica, Long Beach, Pasadena, Los Angeles and the surrounding areas.
To begin a coastal development project in Los Angeles, you must first obtain a Coastal Development Permit (CDP) from the city of LA and in some cases the California Coastal Commission.
This permit ensures you are meeting all ecological, sustainability, and development standards outlined by the California Coastal Act
A Coastal Development Permit (CDP) is a legal authorization required for any development activity within California’s designated Coastal Zone. The California Coastal Zone is defined as:
“… the land and water area of the State of California from the Oregon border to the border of the Republic of Mexico, specified on maps [adopted by the State legislature]…, extending seaward to the state’s outer limit of jurisdiction, including all offshore islands, and extending inland generally 1,000 yards from the mean high tide line of the sea.”
Additional areas that fall under the umbrella of California’s Coastal Zone include:
The CDP requirement makes certain that all development projects within the Coastal Zone comply with state and local coastal management policies. Such policies are designed to protect coastal ecosystems, public access points, and scenic landmarks. This initiative stems from the California Coastal Act, established to balance the need for development with the necessity of conserving coastal resources.
The primary purpose of a CDP is to regulate development in a manner that mitigates adverse environmental impacts and ensures that the coastal environment remains viable for future generations. Applying for a CDP involves a thorough review of proposed projects to ensure they meet specific criteria related to environmental protection, land use, and community impact.
To obtain a CDP, you must complete a comprehensive review process, which may include public hearings and environmental impact assessments to align new development with current standards. The application and review process can be time and resource intensive, particularly if you aren’t familiar with the process. That’s where having a trusted advisor, such as Pattern LA can be helpful. We can help remove some of the uncertainty around the process.
According to the California Coastal Commission, most development within the designated Coastal Zone requires a Coastal Development Permit. The Coastal Zone can vary in width and can extend up to five miles inland, making it necessary to assess your build site before beginning development to determine whether or not you need to obtain a CDP.
Several types of projects typically require a Coastal Development Permit, including:
The main issuer of Coastal Development Permits in Los Angeles is the California Coastal Commission.
The California Coastal Commission works with local authorities to issue permits including:
If you are unsure which government agency to visit to obtain a permit, check out the commission’s Local Government Resources webpage, which includes additional information on:
In most cases, developers in Los Angeles will need to apply for a Coastal Development Permit through the Los Angeles Department of City Planning. As mentioned earlier, the LA DCP has specific specialized requirements that applicants must meet to obtain a CDP. These requirements include:
Now that you know the specific application requirements for a CDP in Los Angeles, let’s quickly run through the steps for applying for and obtaining this permit.
Once you know where to apply, the process is as follows:
The filing fees for a Coastal Development Permit in Los Angeles vary depending on the type of project but typically range between $10,000 to $16,000 as a base fee.
We bring extensive industry knowledge and a strategic approach to every project. Our team combines years of experience with up-to-date expertise on regulations and best practices in land use, development, and permitting.
We are passionate about our projects and take great pride in realizing goals into reality.
We understand that each project is unique. That's why we offer customized solutions designed to meet your specific needs.
We've built strong relationships with local officials and agencies, which can be invaluable in expediting the permit process.
Our systematic approach ensures a smooth, efficient process, reducing delays and keeping your project on schedule.
Our team of seasoned professionals has the knowledge and experience to navigate the complex regulatory environment.
Our projects include single-family and multi-family development, retail/restaurants, warehouses, and subdivisions.